Traveling Light: A Post Jamaica Realization + Tips

Hey all? How goes it? Yes, how goes it? Hope you’re having a great summer. My summer has been off to wonderful start, many realizations, great people, readily available fruits, scuba lessons, and a holistic retreat to Jamaica. Actually, its been amazing and it’s getting better everyday. About a week ago I returned from an amazing retreat in the mountains to Jamaica. Now I have a sad confession to make.. I am not a light packer. No matter where I am going, I like to pack for multiple unlikely occasions just to be “safe”. What if there’s a tornado and I need sweatpants? What if there’s a formal occasion in the middle of the tropics? and yea… 20 pairs of panties are always necessary on 5 day trips. These are all slight exaggerations but you can see where my rationale is here. Actually there is none but I did learn something… $25 each way to check luggage that could’ve fit into a carryon was completely unccessary. So here are my 3 tips to optimize your luggage experience.

1: when packing, make a list, then go thru the list and separate the necessaries from from the “ah, but I mights..” (ie. Ah but I might need this wetsuit just in case I swim with whales in alaska.. yeaaaa, NO)

2: Have a trusted person go thru your list a clarify whats not really needed and what is. Often times friends and family offer level headed advice in the midst of packing mayhem.

3: Pick a luggage that is just the right smedium size and stick to it.. If your belongings dont fit in, then reevaluate what is packed, not the size luggage picked.


..and there you have it. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Im looking forward to sharing my amazing experience on the next post. 

If you have any tips on packing light, please post them. As a recovering over-packer, i’d love to hear your ideas and solutions.


Begin the “New Year” with thankfulness in your heart. Everyday should be gratitude filled but overall in 2013 we should be able to look back over even the tiniest things and give thanks. What’s in your top 5? My top five includes a new start to finish something I started a while back..

2. Im grateful I met an amazing woman who singlehandedly influenced the way I view goddess-hood and feminine power by her essence alone. She was an answer to my affirmation and I am happy to have her as a beautiful model for all things love and divine. 

3. Im grateful ive healed my skin in immeasurable ways, and the journey continues.

4. Im grateful that my persistence has truly showed me how strong I am. Even, My spirit never quits.

5. Im grateful that I continue to receive the opportunity daily to make a difference in this universe. 

Here are some pictures from 2013, Happy New Year!!!





Why Go Green?

Why should you go green in all areas of your life? Simple. Not only is it good for the environment but it is most certainly good for you. You reduce your expose to toxins through cleaning products etc, you heal your body the natural way, you become more conscious and intent driven with your actions. You lose nothing and gain everything.


Whats one area you can go green w/in your life? Even simpler…

How have you reduced, reused, or recycled this year? What will you do different next year?

Lets make 2014 your greenest year yet! 🙂

Glowing Winter Skincare Regimen

In the next few days I will be posting more tips on how to keep your skin supple and glowy (yep made that word up haha) even throughout the winter if you live in seasonal regions. Here’s tip 1:

Steam Your Face! Steaming the face does a lot for your skin. Benefits that I have noticed include putting moisture back into my skin, cleanses my pores, and allows my skin to fully receive the nourishment after cleansing including all natural healing oil and aloe vera gel that I use afterwards. Moisture for your skin is extremely important, especially in months where there is less humidity in the air and the air is extremely dry. If you don’t do this already, give it a try at least 3 times a week and see if you notice a difference.

More tips to come! Have a great day! 🙂

SN: You dont have to have a face steamer to complete this process. You can simply boil water on the stove then remove the pot from the stove, place a towel over your head trapping in the moisture and let the steam do the work. At least 15 minutes or as you feel needed.

Winner Food Wednesday: OMG Kale!

Got Kale?? Who doesn’t love kale?! If you shouted in your head “Me!” or even mumbled quietly to yourself, “…What is kale?” I hope to make you a believer in kale by the end of this post. Here are a few benefits:

1. Look no further, are you lactose intolerant?? Well kale has got you covered. Kale boastfully has more calcium than milk (calorically based)

2. Apparently kale is great for your frisky life. With essential vitamins like B6 that increase libido, you can’t go wrong.

3. Staying in the same alley, B6 is said to have an effect on PMS symptoms so before you grab that bottle of midol maybe go for some kale? Haha.

4. Can help lower cholesterol 

5. Good for detox and to overall help with people suffering ailments and potentially cancer 😉

The list could honestly go on but it shouldn’t take much more to convince you to get some kale in your system. You can cook your kale but I prefer to make kale salads and use kale in my smoothies. You can also use kale in soups and to make kale chips.  I look forward to sharing a few recipes soon via video. Until then, Got Kale??

Did you learn something new or do you have any recipes or special preparations for kale? Id love to hear them. Have a great day! ❤

