Glowing Winter Skincare Regimen

In the next few days I will be posting more tips on how to keep your skin supple and glowy (yep made that word up haha) even throughout the winter if you live in seasonal regions. Here’s tip 1:

Steam Your Face! Steaming the face does a lot for your skin. Benefits that I have noticed include putting moisture back into my skin, cleanses my pores, and allows my skin to fully receive the nourishment after cleansing including all natural healing oil and aloe vera gel that I use afterwards. Moisture for your skin is extremely important, especially in months where there is less humidity in the air and the air is extremely dry. If you don’t do this already, give it a try at least 3 times a week and see if you notice a difference.

More tips to come! Have a great day! 🙂

SN: You dont have to have a face steamer to complete this process. You can simply boil water on the stove then remove the pot from the stove, place a towel over your head trapping in the moisture and let the steam do the work. At least 15 minutes or as you feel needed.

Rock Your Socks Green Smoothie

So heres a very simple green smoothie recipe,  things can be altered but theres a few basics thatll get you started

a blender

1 cup spring water or coconut water (for larger batch use 2 cups)

2 cups of spinach  ( the greens are your base so you dont have to use spinach use any  greens you want to use)

2 apples sliced

2 pears sliced (again, be creative, you can use mangoes, pineapples etc. ) but pears are key for me, they really mute out any bitter taste and contribute to sweetness

1 ripe banana

1/2 lemon

…and thats it. Those are your basics.

I blend the water and greens first, then slowly add the fruits at high speed. Since my blender isnt as powerful as others this helps me avoid chunks. Add more or less as you please and dont be afraid to experiment to get the taste you like. You may add less greens and more fruit until you can handle more greens. Its really what works for you. What’s most important is youre getting your smoothies in. In addition, I add other things including but not limited to chlorophyll, spirulina, chia seeds, hemp protein powder etc. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Anymore questions just let me know. Cheers!Image