With Abundance Comes a lot of S(tuff)!!

Im looking forward to writing more posts soon.. Very soon. As in starting tomorrow haha. I look forward to posting everyday at least until my birthday on January 9. A lot of exciting eco, outdoor, health, vegan, and holistic posts coming your way 😀 . Today Ill leave you with a personal story entitled “With Abundance Comes a lot of S&%^” and ill try to make this quick..

There’s a tree in my front yard that every winter once the leaves fall off it has thousands of berries that the birds love to eat. I mean tons. Well, the other day I watched as what appeared to be over 100 birds fly in the tree at once to eat and then repeat the process for 10 minutes leaving and coming back. I couldn’t help but be grateful for such abundance in my yard, I mean look at all those birds the tree was feeding. How abundant I thought. Without a thought, an hour later I prepared to leave my house to run errands, and to my surprise, guess what gift the birds left me on my car?? Yep. You got it. S*&^! Or for more common terminology, poop. Now this isn’t your ordinary bird poop. This is red berry bird poop, and when I say it was everywhere on my car, there were over 50 hits of target practice including on all my windows, handles, just everywhere, sigh. I was actually embarrassed. So embarrassed that for the first time in like 7 years I took my car to the car wash ( I usually get someone to wash it by hand).. and I thought to myself, why did it take such a circumstance for me to give my car 5 star service. Sometimes we won’t be rocked to greatness until life throws some stuff our way 😉 . The key is, don’t let it get to that point. But also, be clear, sometimes it’s unavoidable and perhaps,

The More the Abundance, The More S(tuff) You Should be Prepared to Handle… sometimes it just comes with the territory.        Happy Holidays!!!

If you have any cool holiday stories please share. Hopefully they aren’t as gross as mine. lol


Yes! Affordable AND Cute Eco Fashion Can Be Yours

Hey guys, just wanted to share a local eco find I discovered at my local Whole Foods. Its already bad enough that I love grocery shopping, but when one of your most frequented stores carries clothes as well, its hard to not indulge. I decided to treat myself to a beautiful dress made by Threads 4 Thought (w/ 60% organic cotton). I love it bc its super comfy, soft, and feminine. Check it out…


Thumbs up to Threads 4 Thought!! Check them out + they have other really cute stuff. Now,  I have a confession. As you can see, I got 2… yes, dont judge me 😦 . I always feel like an old person when I buy different colors of the same thing but when you see something you like, why not get multiples right? Right! haha. Anyway, Im finding that a lot of stores are selling more sustainable clothing, quality vegan “leather”, etc. Good thing is, youre almost always getting better quality material regardless of the price.

You can find this adina dress on their website for $40 ($10 more than what I paid) here.. http://www.threadsforthought.com/store/adina-dress-1.html?color=periwinkle

I have more reviews + companies to check out coming soon, including $5 finds. Stay tuned! Also, a post on exactly what eco fashion is and why it’s for you.

Do you have any eco fashion clothing? Jewelry? Or pieces that were created locally? handmade? Id love to know.

Rock Your Socks Green Smoothie

So heres a very simple green smoothie recipe,  things can be altered but theres a few basics thatll get you started

a blender

1 cup spring water or coconut water (for larger batch use 2 cups)

2 cups of spinach  ( the greens are your base so you dont have to use spinach use any  greens you want to use)

2 apples sliced

2 pears sliced (again, be creative, you can use mangoes, pineapples etc. ) but pears are key for me, they really mute out any bitter taste and contribute to sweetness

1 ripe banana

1/2 lemon

…and thats it. Those are your basics.

I blend the water and greens first, then slowly add the fruits at high speed. Since my blender isnt as powerful as others this helps me avoid chunks. Add more or less as you please and dont be afraid to experiment to get the taste you like. You may add less greens and more fruit until you can handle more greens. Its really what works for you. What’s most important is youre getting your smoothies in. In addition, I add other things including but not limited to chlorophyll, spirulina, chia seeds, hemp protein powder etc. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Anymore questions just let me know. Cheers!Image