Glowing Winter Skincare Regimen

In the next few days I will be posting more tips on how to keep your skin supple and glowy (yep made that word up haha) even throughout the winter if you live in seasonal regions. Here’s tip 1:

Steam Your Face! Steaming the face does a lot for your skin. Benefits that I have noticed include putting moisture back into my skin, cleanses my pores, and allows my skin to fully receive the nourishment after cleansing including all natural healing oil and aloe vera gel that I use afterwards. Moisture for your skin is extremely important, especially in months where there is less humidity in the air and the air is extremely dry. If you don’t do this already, give it a try at least 3 times a week and see if you notice a difference.

More tips to come! Have a great day! 🙂

SN: You dont have to have a face steamer to complete this process. You can simply boil water on the stove then remove the pot from the stove, place a towel over your head trapping in the moisture and let the steam do the work. At least 15 minutes or as you feel needed.

Great Deal, Local Find: Zene Bosnia Scarf

I realized that a lot of my posts are one sided and my sustainability and eco efforts span into all aspects of my life. Not only that, but being more conscious in your decision making when it comes to food, beauty products etc. is not so scary, and you do all of these things on an affordable budget. Ill admit, It comes so effortlessly that I never thought of it as anything abnormal or something to post about. I make a conscious effort to use all natural products for my hair and body, also, I try to use green and eco cleaning products etc. So im gonna attempt to post more of that here on my blog… I do more than hike and be active lol. Im still a woman 😉 haha

It especially warms my heart when I can purchase products that go to support a good cause, whether its fair trade or economically benefits small companies and businesses. What a lovely bonus. I try to remain affordable when it comes to clothes etc. so when I notice a deal, I hop on it, esp. if its “conscious.”

I found a great scarf at one of my favorite stores, Anthropologie. The Selma Fringed Scarf was on sale for $30, regular price $78. The scarf is very beautiful in person, and my pictures don’t do it justice. What I love about this scarf is, its a part of of the Zene Bosnia Project. The editors note on the tag and website state,

“Handmade by the artisans of the Zene Bosnia project, which provides regular, profitable work for women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and helps to ensure long-term economic security and social support… each one of these handknit scarves is entirely unique.”
I love the pop of color on the fringe, and I think it makes this scarf very unique. You can easily pair this with a nice coat or outfit, and it will go perfectly. The color is bright, so it warms up the eyes, and the scarf itself is so cuddly and warm. The tag is also signed by the woman who made the scarf. Quite frankly, for 30 bucks, this scarf gets my stamp of approval.
What do you think? Do you like it? What would you pair this with?

Farm Adventures: The Duck Attack

Yesterday I visited a farm in Md. I went with no expectations except to catch sunset photos with my friend. Boy was I in for a treat… I walked upon what seemed to be an animal sanctuary of sorts. The entrance you walk past a large grassy fenced in area full of cows. there was one that was limping, which kinda made me sad… I wished I couldve helped her. next we got to the ducks area. that little mean duck came all the way out of its pond over to greet us… or shall I say, cuss us out in duck. seriously, it was ANGRY. ive never been so happy to be fenced off from a creature in my life. excuse my ignorance, i also did not know ducks hiss? like snakes! Oh em Gee hahaha. Despite the verbal slander I received, I remained cordial with my little duck friend. Even after it tried to bite my friends finger off *gasp*.


Did I mention it was like freeeezing haha. Next, we kept walking on the trail, and came upon a ravishing view. Down further in the open field there was a family of like 50 deer just chilling having a reunion lol. I jokingly suggested we walk down towards them but got scared halfway lol. I very mad at myself about this, i mean, i’m like the animal whisperer… What did I have to be leery of? 


We walked back, and visited a nice little horse in its barn. it looked a little small to me (the barn that is) but I guess it was warm. That horse was huge though :(… We were also the only people there.. which i think is great. It was an hour before closing so I guess thats why. Anyway, it was a good day. Reminded me of one the reasons I dont eat meat, and why I love animals. They are so precious to us.

