A Fun Affirmation!

Do you use affirmations, if so, what is your affirmation for this week??

My weekly affirmation that I will repeat every morning (and throughout the day) is…

‘Today I will have FUN. Life is not so serious. I will smile and laugh today, even at my mistakes, for I am ALIVE. I am bold, courageous, and enthusiastic. My light shines bright and the universe surprises me in beautiful ways…

Do you have an Affirmation?? I’d love to hear it. Have a great Monday!!


Why Go Green?

Why should you go green in all areas of your life? Simple. Not only is it good for the environment but it is most certainly good for you. You reduce your expose to toxins through cleaning products etc, you heal your body the natural way, you become more conscious and intent driven with your actions. You lose nothing and gain everything.


Whats one area you can go green w/in your life? Even simpler…

How have you reduced, reused, or recycled this year? What will you do different next year?

Lets make 2014 your greenest year yet! 🙂

Fall Activities! Moooo -ve On Over Summer

In the coming weeks i’ll be sharing some fall activities that’ll be great for children, families, dates, etcetera. Just because it’s getting cooler doesnt mean your activities have to be dull. In fact, now is the time to get out, the weather is perfect. Not only will the activities I share be packed with fun and economical, there will be many ways to make your trip more eco friendly. First stop on the fall activity train??? 


A farm. Yes, visit a  farm. Most states in the US, have local farms, or a State Park that has something like a farm. This is a perfect activity for children ages 3-9, and more often than not, the farm will have hayrides considering the season. While farms are usually free, you may have to pay a small fee for hay rides. Bring your own lunch, reusable water bottle, and enjoy a nice outing. I had a doting 3 year old with me last week and she enjoyed every minute of the farm and carousel ride. Going home was quite the challenge. 




Have you been to the farm yet?? Don’t forget to pack your own lunch. 

Yes! Affordable AND Cute Eco Fashion Can Be Yours

Hey guys, just wanted to share a local eco find I discovered at my local Whole Foods. Its already bad enough that I love grocery shopping, but when one of your most frequented stores carries clothes as well, its hard to not indulge. I decided to treat myself to a beautiful dress made by Threads 4 Thought (w/ 60% organic cotton). I love it bc its super comfy, soft, and feminine. Check it out…


Thumbs up to Threads 4 Thought!! Check them out + they have other really cute stuff. Now,  I have a confession. As you can see, I got 2… yes, dont judge me 😦 . I always feel like an old person when I buy different colors of the same thing but when you see something you like, why not get multiples right? Right! haha. Anyway, Im finding that a lot of stores are selling more sustainable clothing, quality vegan “leather”, etc. Good thing is, youre almost always getting better quality material regardless of the price.

You can find this adina dress on their website for $40 ($10 more than what I paid) here.. http://www.threadsforthought.com/store/adina-dress-1.html?color=periwinkle

I have more reviews + companies to check out coming soon, including $5 finds. Stay tuned! Also, a post on exactly what eco fashion is and why it’s for you.

Do you have any eco fashion clothing? Jewelry? Or pieces that were created locally? handmade? Id love to know.

Juice Chronicles: Carrot Kicker

Hey, just thought i’d share a very simple and easy juice recipe with you. Its one of the first recipes I learned, and my go to, simply for its cheap ingredients. What you’ll need? Simple, apples, carrots, ginger.

You really dont need a lot of apples, as they are really sweet so 2 might enough depending on how many carrots you have. Use ginger according to taste. 1inch is usually enough for most people but if youre like me, 2-3 inches is more like it. This last juicing round, I did a whole bag of organic carrots, 4 apples, 2 inches of ginger. Bon Appetite! Any questions, post below..
