Fall Activities! Moooo -ve On Over Summer

In the coming weeks i’ll be sharing some fall activities that’ll be great for children, families, dates, etcetera. Just because it’s getting cooler doesnt mean your activities have to be dull. In fact, now is the time to get out, the weather is perfect. Not only will the activities I share be packed with fun and economical, there will be many ways to make your trip more eco friendly. First stop on the fall activity train??? 


A farm. Yes, visit a  farm. Most states in the US, have local farms, or a State Park that has something like a farm. This is a perfect activity for children ages 3-9, and more often than not, the farm will have hayrides considering the season. While farms are usually free, you may have to pay a small fee for hay rides. Bring your own lunch, reusable water bottle, and enjoy a nice outing. I had a doting 3 year old with me last week and she enjoyed every minute of the farm and carousel ride. Going home was quite the challenge. 




Have you been to the farm yet?? Don’t forget to pack your own lunch. 

Farm Adventures: The Duck Attack

Yesterday I visited a farm in Md. I went with no expectations except to catch sunset photos with my friend. Boy was I in for a treat… I walked upon what seemed to be an animal sanctuary of sorts. The entrance you walk past a large grassy fenced in area full of cows. there was one that was limping, which kinda made me sad… I wished I couldve helped her. next we got to the ducks area. that little mean duck came all the way out of its pond over to greet us… or shall I say, cuss us out in duck. seriously, it was ANGRY. ive never been so happy to be fenced off from a creature in my life. excuse my ignorance, i also did not know ducks hiss? like snakes! Oh em Gee hahaha. Despite the verbal slander I received, I remained cordial with my little duck friend. Even after it tried to bite my friends finger off *gasp*.


Did I mention it was like freeeezing haha. Next, we kept walking on the trail, and came upon a ravishing view. Down further in the open field there was a family of like 50 deer just chilling having a reunion lol. I jokingly suggested we walk down towards them but got scared halfway lol. I very mad at myself about this, i mean, i’m like the animal whisperer… What did I have to be leery of? 


We walked back, and visited a nice little horse in its barn. it looked a little small to me (the barn that is) but I guess it was warm. That horse was huge though :(… We were also the only people there.. which i think is great. It was an hour before closing so I guess thats why. Anyway, it was a good day. Reminded me of one the reasons I dont eat meat, and why I love animals. They are so precious to us.

