Im Back, So Is Summer

I’ve been gone for a while now. I know all my non existent readers missed me lol. I cant even say ive been super busy. More like, I just havent been in the mood to blog. But ive done a lot of fun outdoorsy things over the last few months and im looking forward to catching back up. Ive also started bikram yoga, so ill be posting on my experiences with that as well. Ive tried some new natural beauty products, cleaning products, and DIY at home remedies. Im looking forward to getting back into the blogging swing, and guess what? I plan to start vlogging soon *yayyyyyyyyyy*. Stay tuned for my next post. In the mean time heres a few pics 🙂


Tulips in my mothers flower garden


these are the faces you make in your mid 20s lol


this little guy blended in on a hike.. amazing


my goddaughter is too cool


“Summa summa summa time!”


strawberry banana smoothie + a rocking sunset = Ahhhh


incoming storm mothers day weekend hike, NC

*ATTENTION* How to Save Money, Reduce Food Waste, Live Happier

Let me start by saying.. I too am completely guilty of wasting food. And to be even more honest, I wasted a batch of kale last week due to lack of time. I know I know *enters cyber scold here :(* BUT there’s hope, and i’m pleased to say, I hardly waste food these days. Here are 5 QUICK and effective tips to help you save food, time, money, and the environment, applicable to everyday life. So if you love to save MONEY, love the environment, or simply want to be more efficient, read on my friend…


I. Plan Ahead! Why?

When you buy food without a plan, you end up buying things you dont need, simple as that. By planning what youll purchase, you reduce the chance of OVER buying and wasting. So save your pockets, time, and money, and plan ahead. Make a list and stick with it!


II. Dont stack your plate with food you wont eat! Why?

…because you can always go back for a second or third plate. Have you ever filled your plate, and gotten full grabbing your belly halfway? You cant put that food back in its dish so it goes to waste. Cut your plate in half, you can always go back for seconds.


III. Freeze what you can!

At the end of the week, if you haven’t used your produce, freeze it. I often do this when it comes to smoothies and it works just fine. Last night I froze apple slices to use for a later time. Just find out if your food is freezable and for how long. Simple! 🙂


IV.  “..but it’s on sale”

Raise your hand if youve ever bought food just bc its on sale? I see you.. Its fine, we’ve all done it. This one takes mental effort but I assure you, if you have no immediate plan for it, don’t buy it. It will be ok! haha. Yes, you save money, but you also save money that you never spend. To help, check whats on sale online ahead of time at your local grocer to incorporate that into your planning. Win/win!


V. Donate food just sitting in your pantry.. Why?

Chances are, if you haven’t prepared your non-perishable food in 6 months, itll likely go to waste. So if you’ve fallen into the sale trap, just donate what you haven’t used and free up some space in your pantry. The kicker is, don’t let those foods pile back up. Be selective! win/win!

Waste reduction starts with US! Every time we waste food we are not only affecting ourselves, but the environment. In America, our food waste rots in landfills producing harmful emissions. Check out this article The Washington Post did on food waste in America 6 months ago ( ) Food waste is an issue on corporate levels, and personal. So lets all do our part. We literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Also visit, to find out TONS about food waste, what we can do about it, and how to help the environment. This years World Environment Day theme is Think. Eat. Save. Check my next post for more tips.


In the meantime, How do you reduce food waste? Were these tips useful? How do you think, to eat and save? Eat, to save and think? Or save, to eat and think? Let me know!

recycle bags? what’s in it for YOU?

So by this time I have learned that not everyone cares about the planet. and simply off of basic morals alone, most dont feel compelled to do things like recycle. and based on my knowing, this person may or may not be you reading this. In case it is, im gonna provide a few quick reasons why recycling is for you..

1. A lot of stores give money credit for bringing your own bag(s) instead of using theirs. Now though this may be only 5 or 10 cents (per bag) lol, its still money that YOU arent paying but actually getting free. And who doesnt like free? FREE… do I need to say it again FREE.. ok I think you get the point. So ask your local store do they give bag credits, youd be surprised.

2. Reduces clutter.. Yes it reduces clutter. How you might ask? Several reasons. If youre like me, after shopping, I can rest assure you have a whole cabinet jam packed with plastic bags to “reuse.” Well what else can that cabinet space be used for? I mean, reusable bags dont take up that much space so if you make the switch, this free space can be allocated for more useful things 🙂

3. Dont you want to be the cool person at the store or wherever who has their own bag? Its a new chance to get creative (especially for kids), and if youre actually shopping at clothing stores, it can provide capacity for greater storage instead of shuffling 4 and 5 bags at the mall.

Now dont all jump at once, get out there and get to recycling…. 🙂